
One of the enduring concerns in the plastic industry is how to best deliver high quality goods and services in a sustainable and environmentally sound way. Today, going green goes hand in hand with doing good business. Let’s take a look at what it means to be sustainable in injection plastic molding and how you can identify manufacturers that are committed to sustainability and international standards.
Made in USA
Reshoring production processes means less impact and waste on the environment. Look for regional and local manufacturers to minimize energy spent on shipping and delivery. An added benefit will be having your production facility within easy distance for modifications, testing, and communication.
Using Recycled Materials
Repurposing materials can eliminate the need for hundreds of thousands of pounds of plastic material. Resins can be compounded and reground to make new parts. Some manufacturers are also exploring and refining processes using plant-based materials. These have posed challenges in processing but retain promise for a compostable and renewable source for plastic parts.
Automation has revolutionized how we operate machines. Thanks to this technology, manufacturers can use software to monitor machines in real time and have them shut down when not running.
Energy Audit
The machinery a manufacturer uses can go a long way towards improving energy efficiency. Some manufacturers go through a rigorous energy audit through the power company. These audits are important for showing opportunities to make improvements or renovations that will save energy costs. A few smart investments can result in millions of kWh energy used per year.
Waste Reduction
Plastic parts manufacturers who are committed to reduce waste, can implement recycling programs in plants. Beyond using recyclable materials, there are also opportunities to sell or repurpose excess resin to third parties. Do your research and find out what your manufacturer is doing to minimize waste.
Certified Manufacturers
Finally, manufacturers can be certified. The ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management. If a manufacturer is certified, it means they have an organized process and work to continually improve efficiency. Picking the right plastic injection molding company is about finding a team you can trust. Look for the signs we’ve discussed here to ensure your manufacturing partner is committed to reducing our impact on the environment.